A Green Promenade for Cagliari’s Seafront

A green promenade for Cagliari’s seafront is the project that will transform the waterfront into a green axis, a new link between the city centre and its seafront.
The project envisages a redevelopment of the area and defines a new sustainable mobility strategy with pedestrianised, continuous public space: a new green belt within the city.
Following a tender for the redefinition of Cagliari’s waterfront, the project (presented by Stefano Boeri Architetti, in association with MATE Società Cooperativa, MIC-HUB, StudioSilva, S.T.P, and the archaeologist Demis Massimiliano Murgia) includes the redevelopment of the promenade in Via Roma, an intervention on the harbour waterfront and the redevelopment of Piazza Matteotti.
A Green Promenade for Cagliari’s Seafront
- Creation of a new continuous, safe pedestrian area
- Creation of a new 5,700 sqm green public area
- New public transport stops
Project gallery
Our contribution
Cagliari's waterfront is currently characterised by a strong and progressive sealing of the soil, with negative effects in terms of loss of biodiversity and a 'heat island' effect.
The road system represents an obstacle between the urban fabric and the sea.
Based on transport studies that redesigned the mobility system, the project will transform two lanes on the main road system to enlarge the public space.
The new promenade becomes an element of social inclusion, it connects the waterfront and the main public functions along it. The project enhances the entire area from a cultural, social and environmental point of view.
The plan envisages the implementation of sustainable mobility based on the principles of proximity and pedestrianisation, a network of paths connecting and animating all the green areas, returning the city's relationship with the sea.