Laboratorio ROMA050: Tre viste su Roma

We were honoured to be invited to speak at Laboratorio Roma050, which took place in Rome on 23rd and 24th February 2024.


Laboratorio Roma050 – The Future of a World Metropolis – was a public meeting organised and promoted by Roma Capitale and coordinated by the architect Stefano Boeri.

The two-day event involved an intense programme of discussions around two arguments: ‘Visions and Cities’ and ‘Ideas for Rome’.


On the theme of ‘Visions and Cities’, Italian and international figures brought scientific and creative contributions to the discussion. Among them were the American sociologist and writer Richard Sennett, the astrophysicist Ersilia Vaudo, Chief Diversity Officer of the ESA in Paris, Antonio Spadaro, Undersecretary of the Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education, the architectural historian and Princeton professor Beatriz Colomina, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Vittorio Lingiardi and the artistic director of the Quadriennale Gian Maria Tosatti.


Federico Parolotto, CEO of MIC-HUB, took part in the ‘Visions and Cities’ session, presenting research on urban infrastructure in relation to the concept of mobility and urban space.


The debates around ‘Ideas for Rome’, based on three different perspectives of the city – ‘Above Rome’, ‘Across Rome’, ‘Below Rome’ – brought together the points of view, experiences and proposals of representatives from local institutions, and professionals, in order to draw up a broad and inclusive map of contemporary Rome.


Laboratorio Roma050 was an important opportunity to exchange ideas and projects to outline the future of the city.

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