MIC-HUB at the Camerino International Seminar

We are honoured to be invited to speak at the international conference CITTÀ BELLA CITTÀ PER TUTTI, the Seminar on Architecture and Urban Culture in Camerino


Claudio Minelli, COO and Partner of MIC-HUB, will take part in the “Città per tutti. Accoglienza, mobilità, reti urbane” session with:

Oscar E. Bellini, Politecnico di Milano

Giuseppe Capocchin, CNAPPC

Carlo Gandolfi, Università di Parma

Franco Mariniello, Università Federico II Napoli

Susanne Glade, architect, Amburgo

Gianluca Peluffo, Peluffo & Partners.


The international seminar brings together professionals for three days of meetings where architects are asked to think about different aspects of urban space, from living to meeting and working places, mobility and greenery.


The programme questions a definition of the beautiful city as a project in the making, difficult and fascinating because of the complexity of the contemporary urban dimension, open and mutable to epochal changes and evolving technologies, but firm in the search for urban humanity, well-being, freedom of movement and manifestation of thought.


The event is organised by Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Macerata, Università di Camerino, Comune di Camerino, Archeoclub d’Italia.

The event will take place at the Auditorium Benedetto XIII, Camerino (Macerata) on Tuesday 30 July from 5.30 pm

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