Milano Respira Futuro – Milano Digital Week
For Milano Digital Week, the most important Italian week dedicated to innovation and digital, 24ORE Business School has organised the event Milano Respira Futuro.
MIC-HUB will take part to the talk “Quale sostenibilità per il tessuto urbano?”, during the opening day, on Friday 11 November.
Federico Parolotto Senior Partner and CEO of MIC-HUB will take part to the panel with Aldo Sollazzo CEO of Noumena, Cristian Rizzuti new media artist, Valentino Catricalà curator of the Soda Gallery Manchester and Matteo Merletti Country Manager of Vinokilo for an open discussion on Urban sustainability. Filippo Solibello will open the meeting with Layla Pavone and Marco Minoja, Municipality of Milan.
We will discuss about Digital Art, Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility, new topics to address a new way of living in urban context and face the future with a new energy and a new vision of spaces, in a place that constantly generates involvement.
Join us on Friday 11 November from 18:00 for the panel and the opening night at 24ORE Business School Milano, via Monte Rosa 91.