SP234 Orio Litta

The Province of Lodi has the upgrading and safety of the provincial road network in its program of priority objectives, in collaboration with the local and regional authorities.
The priority of the MIC-HUB project is the safety of the S.P.234, which has a series of side accesses to the small business and commercial areas off the provincial road.
Currently, the accesses do not guarantee an adequate level of safety due to the reduced road section, which does not have the functional geometry to protect turning manoeuvres (both left and right); the intersection of vehicular flows presents high risk factors and accident rates.
SP234 Orio Litta
Main expertise
Road Design and Streetscape
- Improvement of road safety
- Improvement of lighting
- Visibility study and control
- Bill of quantities
Project gallery
Our contribution
The design by MIC-HUB was developed in the three planning phases (Feasibility, Final and Executive) and the economic aspect of the entire work was analysed by means of a bill of quantities.
The project provides for the regulatory compliance of the road platform in line with its current classification as a rural secondary road ‘type C1’.
To ensure greater road safety, MIC-HUB inserted a roundabout in correspondence with the industrial area of Orio Litta to allow proper access, also contributing to the reduction of speed in both travel directions, the elimination of associated conflict points (thanks to the new connections on the roundabout ring), and the improvement and implementation of lighting in the intervention area.